04. Free To Be Unafraid


Current headlines are enough to cause anyone to feel more than slightly afraid. Sometimes, however, all we need to do is look in our own backyard, talk with a neighbor or friend, or send a prayer of healing to God in heaven to quell the fear and fill our hearts with peace. In this episode, we are reminded of all that is good and remember that God's presence and promises are the reason we are free to be unafraid.

Episode Transcript


Hello, this is Donna Wyland. With the Freetobe Podcast. This is season one Episode Four, titled Free to be Afraid.


Kevin McCarthy is pushing Liz Cheney out. Black fungus complication contributes to India's COVID woes. Times Square shooting, and on and on it goes. Today's headlines filled with controversy and uncertainty are enough to cause anyone to feel more than slightly afraid. What is really going on? Where are we heading? Will truth find its way out of the shadows and into the light?


I believe the answer is yes. There are numerous positive scenarios playing out in the United States and around the world. We just have to search hard to find them. And sometimes all we need to do is look in our own backyard, talk with a neighbor or a friend, or send a prayer for healing to God in heaven, to quell the fear and fill our hearts with peace.


Every week when my husband and I have my grandson overnight, we are traded to a nonstop funfest as he works his way from the trampoline to the skateboard to riding his bike with many fun stops along the way. How I look forward to those nights when even a hint of fear has no place to hide because all I can see is love and joy.


Two weeks ago, my husband discovered a Mallard duck's nest wedged between one of our hydrangea plants in the outside wall of our house. He claims there were 12 perfect eggs in the nest when he first discovered it. But sadly, only seven eggs remain. I'm praying each day for their survival, though my neighbor informed me that the Mallard used to lay her eggs near her house. And not one duckling survived the various critters that roam our acreage in the wee hours of the night.


Despite the odds, however, I hold on to the hope that I will soon see at least a few ducklings waddling in a straight line behind their mama to the neighbor's pond. I can't bear to think of it ending any other way. And I can't bear to think of a world without hope. I much prefer to believe that we may feel afraid at times, but choose to trust and believe and hold on to the hope that one day all will be well because God promised it would be. I used to get lost in the latest headlines far too often until my husband informed me that he could always tell what I did.


I didn't believe him at first. But then after thoughtfully considering the possibility, I realized he was right. My heart would beat faster, my patience level would decline, and my level of fear would rise exponentially. In the end, I would react to just about anything he said with negative intensity instead of love and respect. Thankfully, I changed my ways, and I'm reaping the rewards of unplugging from just about all forms of media. The television is on only when we watch a movie or a Comedy Series. I sporadically check social media. I am an author after all. Most of the time, however, I prefer a good book, the challenge of a crossword puzzle or a long walk in the sun. And when I do, I am at peace. It was hard at first, I thought I wanted to be up to date and in the know. Then I realized that I get to choose what I put into my heart and mind. I have the power to say no to negative. No to unnecessary debates. No to anything that causes to be angst and dims the light of love and hope inside me.


And you get to make that choice too. At the beginning of the COVID quarantine, God led me to memorize Isaiah 41 verses 10-14. In those five powerful verses. Isaiah prophesies the Lord God saying, Do not fear for I am with you. Do not fear I will help you. Do not be afraid. I myself will help you.


I recite all five verses every night before falling asleep with a focus on those three specific promises of God. Do not fear. Do not fear. Do not be afraid.


While it's impossible to be completely unaware of the chaos in our country, and in the world at large, I pray you will find the courage to say no to media. No to whatever causes you angst and fear. And to know even to distressing or divisive individuals for a season if necessary.


It is possible to be filled even in the midst of COVID with love, joy and peace. Choose to be the light that God created you to be. And always remember, He is with you. Because of His presence and His promises, we have hope. He is the reason we are free to be afraid. Share your hope with someone else today.


Thank you for joining me on this podcast. I look forward to joining you in the future for the next Have a great day.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


05. Free To Be Real


03. Free To Be Still