I just love to write…

Donna Wyland is a published author and writing coach.

The first word that comes to mind when I think about my life story is grace.

Despite years of twists and turns, multiple tragedies and trials, I have been the recipient of joys and blessings that have far surpassed anything I could ever have imagined. Because of those experiences, I have a big heart to love and forgive. I truly desire to search for the good in everyone and everything.

What has remained constant throughout the ups and downs is a passion to pursue goals and dreams and an intense desire to help others do the same.

Whether coaching women toward authenticity and confidence to pursue their own goals and dreams or writing books that encourage people to draw near to God, I pray each day, “God, let me be a blessing to someone today.”

The motivation behind that desire comes from a life lived without the LORD. During those early years, I tried my best to make decisions based on my own understanding and worked hard to build a life I thought I wanted. In the end, however, I didn’t get where my heart genuinely wanted to be at all. I was divorced, disconnected, and disheartened. I thought I was going to end up at the top, but instead, ended up on my knees asking God for forgiveness and committing my future to Him.

Thankfully, God took ahold of my heart and began to turn my life into one filled with passion and purpose and hopes and dreams that included others and lifted them alongside myself.

I no longer wanted to be alone at the top. I desired to bring others with me. And God began the decades-long transformation that is ongoing today. With my spiritual gifts of Encouragement and Discernment, I coach women toward recognizing their beauty and value in the world, so they feel greater confidence to pursue their goals and dreams, and I write the words God puts on my heart to inspire others to draw near to Him.

No matter where you are and what you are feeling, together we can find a way to help you discover your destiny, accomplish your goals, and pursue your life purpose with passion and confidence. We have a God who can handle anything and who understands our humanity. Who doesn’t need encouragement and hope and a little grace every now and then?

 As we continue to walk this journey called life together, I wish you every good thing. May God inspire you to dream and fill your heart with great joy as you trust in Him.

Until we meet, I will continue to listen for His still small voice and praise Him for the good plans He has for each of you.

Where are you now? Where do you want to be? What obstacles are standing between you and your goals and dreams? Coaching may be your path to authenticity, confidence, and success.

Let’s chat soon. I am excited to talk with you!

Award-Winning Author, Editor, Copywriter, Coach and more.

Christian Authors Network Marketing Award
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