06. Free To Be Unhurried

Podcast Season 1 Episode 006 photo 3.jpg

Do you find yourself watching videos on your phone with the TV on in the background while you're playing the game of LIFE with your kids? If so, are you craving something more? Join me today as I invite you to discover the joy of living an unhurried life.

Episode Transcript


Hi and welcome to the Freetobe Podcast. This is Season One, Episode Six. Today we're talking about free to be unhurried.


My husband is more than six feet tall. I'm five foot five. So, it's not surprising that I find it difficult to keep the same pace. And don't even talk to me about tennis, badminton or basketball because along with his God-given long legs, my hubby sports the wingspan of a pterodactyl. I don't have a chance when we compete in any sport. But I've learned to enjoy the game.


Don't get me wrong, I'm a competitive woman. But as I gaze back through the years, I realize that much of my competitive nature is yielded a little more than a wounded ego and some hurt feeling. Then maybe a night or two for my husband in the doghouse because I was a sore loser. Eh, I'm not too proud of that.


Recently, however, I began to ponder what I've accomplished. And I realized that with all the hours and days and weeks that I have given to various careers, I could have expected to be far more successful today than the world might say I am.


Like most people, I thought if I worked harder and longer, I would be the victor, the King of the Hill, so to speak. Instead, all of the hustle and hurry and stress and struggle led my body, mind and soul to simply rebel. And boy, did I get impatient and sarcastic along the way. I have a feeling I'm not the only one.


This morning, I actually tried to watch a YouTube video while I was proofreading my new e-course for beginning writers. In the end, I didn't do either justice. Why do we do that to ourselves? What do we hope to gain from being unrealistically busy, overcommitted, and overwhelmed? If our expectations are so high, that we feel we need to do two major tasks at the same time, maybe it's time for a change. Maybe our want-tos need to get demoted to a secondary list that we only peek at once or twice a week.


What do you think? Do you find yourself watching videos on your phone with the TV on in the background while you're playing the game of life with your kids? Do you grip your steering wheel so hard that your fingers cramp and your neck is as stiff as a brick?


If you could do one small thing each day for yourself, what would that thing be? How do you best refresh your own heart, mind and body?


My husband likes to play electric guitar. When I'm not writing, I love to make hand crafts of all kinds. I've always felt the best gifts truly are the ones we make with our own hands. And well, if I'm being honest, I also like to bake cookies and eat them by the dozen if I walked on the treadmill. I know I don't burn all the calories at one time, but I give myself points for effort.


Writing about cookies makes me want to eat a cookie. And I just happened to know there are a few lonely chocolate chip cookies in my freezer. I'll be back in a sec.


Okay, I'm back. You may think I was kidding. But I was totally just eating a cookie a moment ago. And it was good. Now I know encouraging everyone to start eating large quantities of cookies. But what I am doing is encouraging you to give yourself permission to do the little things that relax your mind and body and bring you joy. I'm inviting you to live an unhurried life. Maybe that means a walk in the park, listening to soothing meditation, or reading a good book in a coffee shop.


Maybe it means sharing a laugh with a good friend or a meal with someone you love. Whatever it looks like to you, connecting with creation with others and with yourself is always good.


Unhurried doesn't mean we don't get the most important things done. It simply means we learn to set realistic expectations and goals. And we take a break every now and then to take care of ourselves.


Think of a person you know who was always busy, hurried and hectic. How would you describe their appearance and general tone of voice? Then think of someone else you know who is productive yet thoughtful and kind. You know that person with the easy smile, who always seems to have a few minutes to listen, to talk, to pray, to care. What do they look like? Sounds like?


I want to be that person. The unhurried one. You are free to be unhurried too, if you decide that's how you want to live.


So go ahead. Eat a cookie, be an artist. Do something fun, even if it means getting crushed by your spouse in a sport. As far as I'm concerned, unhurried is the new beautiful.


Thank you for joining me for this episode of the Freetobe Podcast. Have a great day.

Transcribed by https://otter.a


07. Free To Be You and Me


05. Free To Be Real