A Welcome Interruption

Are you really too busy for that?

What do you do when guests are coming, tasks need doing, and patience is running low? Do you yell at those closest to you, scream into a pillow, or stuff the feelings so deep they don't erupt for another three months? 'Tis the season for stress and a long list of to-dos. What can you do to ease the pressure another family holiday can bring?

Interestingly, Jesus continually faced the same dilemma. What did He do, and how can His example help us reframe interruptions as opportunities?

This guest blog I wrote for Arise Daily may be just the thing you need to calm your heart and center your mind on the blessing of belonging.

A Welcome Interruption – Arise DAILY Devos

This devotional is a true story of a day I experienced recently. When faced with numerous interruptions, God gently reminded me how He sees us all and what He hopes we will do as a result of His example. 

His loving touch changed my heart and my mindset and sent my soul soaring into productivity and positivity. What could have been a most difficult time turned into a most wonderful day.

I pray that God will hold you close this holiday season and fill you with peace to overcome any negativity that seeks to upset you. Read the blog. Try it out. See if it doesn't work for you too!

Have a Very Merry Christmas!

 Read: A Welcome Interruption 


Does Missing Valentine’s Day Mean Your Marriage is in Trouble?


Preparing for the holidays: Guest Blog Post 🎄