A Child's Gift

Last week was a tough one for me, but when a sweet young neighbor girl named Daisy delivered a mason jar filled with wildflowers, my heart felt pure joy. The green stems topped with yellow and white blooms blessed me more than Daisy could possibly know. I pondered that jar of flowers for moments at a time and even stood on my porch to enjoy them one morning as rush hour traffic whisked by. And my soul felt lighter.When life is overwhelming and struggles seem insurmountable, I sometimes fall into despair and wonder where God is and why He's not making everything better.  I wonder where my friends are as I isolate a little more each day pulling away from a world that seems to be moving along just fine, whether or not I participate in it.

Then, God steps in and sends a child and I remember what has been most important all along. And He will do the same for you.

When we feel like we're losing our way, the best thing we can do is cry out to God and trust that He will answer. It might sound trite, but it's true. He is with us when we are being showered with good things, and He is there on the dry days when our parched hearts are shriveled and sad. Just when we feel like giving up, He sends a friend with encouragement, a word of comfort through His Word, or a mason jar filled with wildflowers to let us know we are not alone.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. If we exercise our faith, we will recognize God's gifts no matter how small they are or who delivers them into our lives or onto our porches.

Thank you, Daisy, for your sweet gift to me. God used it to put a smile on my face and a song of praise in my heart.

What gifts has God given you today?


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